What is the downside of being a power of attorney?

One of the main drawbacks of a POA is that the agent can act or do things that the director didn't intend to. No one but you, the director, directly oversees the agent's activities. One disadvantage of a power of attorney is that they have the authority to ruin your life. You need someone who will act in your best interest.

Sometimes, whether through intent or ignorance, POA agents can cause legal and financial chaos. If the terms of the POA are too broad (as is the case with a durable POA in general), the agent can buy and sell property at a loss, mismanage a business, or even create the appearance of involuntary theft or embezzlement of funds. A power of attorney is an easy way to have someone else handle legal or financial matters for you when you are absent or unable to resolve them on your own. A durable power of attorney is a protection against expensive court proceedings in the event that you become incompetent.

In that situation, your agent can go about your business without the need for a court to appoint a guardian or curator. However, despite these advantages, a power of attorney also has some major drawbacks. Signing as a power of attorney is a common request among family members, but few people discuss the potential risks of agreeing to be someone's proxy. Your agent can abuse a power of attorney because no one but you oversees your activities.

If you're looking for more information about the ins and outs of this document as an agent, grantor, or person who could become one at some point in your life, visit the Legal Template power of attorney page. The agent's personal liability is often a requirement if you violate these rules and regulations, so it's vital to carefully read a limited, durable power of attorney before signing it. A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint a person you trust to make financial, business, and legal decisions on your behalf. In addition, since you don't delay appointing a guardian or curator, your assets are often better protected against loss in the event of disability if you have a power of attorney.

You can carry out business transactions as indicated in a general or limited power of attorney agreement and, in the eyes of the law, you are the grantor. If you don't have a valid power of attorney that gives an agent the authority to manage matters and make appropriate decisions, you may assume that you have someone acting on your behalf when in reality that is not the case. When someone (known as the grantor, principal, or donor) gives you a power of attorney, you are legally empowered to act as their agent. Understanding when you need to use a power of attorney, what the most common situations are for each type, the complicated language, the different types of power of attorney forms, and knowing what to include can be overwhelming.

Creating a durable, limited power of attorney agreement is a great way to protect everyone involved from potential risks, but there are other precautions you can take to avoid being accused of negligence, fraud, or outright theft. Your family will also be in a much better position if you appoint a power of attorney because they won't have to go to court to appoint a guardian or curator and they won't have to wonder who they would have chosen or what their preferences would have been, since you will be the one to decide who acts on your behalf. Below, you'll find an overview of the risks of being a power of attorney, as well as some tips to protect yourself from the risk should you decide to sign that agreement. A power of attorney allows you to put someone in charge of managing your money or assets and making decisions on your behalf in case something happens to you.

Laura Holzer
Laura Holzer

Certified tv fanatic. Evil coffee scholar. Total social media enthusiast. Amateur pop culture ninja. Amateur social media evangelist. Typical burrito fan.

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